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Pastor's Notes 

Dear Friends,


This Sunday the readings emphasize the importance of community, support, and staying connected to Christ. Just as Barnabas stood by Saul, showing the power of support within the Christian community, we are called to be that support for others, embodying the love and acceptance Christ shows us. This act of support not only strengthens our bonds but also helps us remain connected to the true vine, Jesus. 

In the Gospel, John uses the metaphor of the vine and the branches to illustrate the vital connection believers must maintain with Jesus. Just as branches can bear fruit only when attached to the vine, we can thrive spiritually only when they remain in Jesus. We are called to bear fruit as evidence of their discipleship and their connection to Jesus. This fruitfulness also involves pruning, or spiritual discipline, to foster even greater growth. For us, it is important to remember that the ultimate purpose of believers’ fruitfulness is to bring glory to God. Our lives, when lived in connection with Christ, reflect God's love and power to the world. 


May these themes present a rich tapestry of Christian life and faith, for us as we seek to emphasize transformation, community, love in action, obedience, connection with Christ, fruitfulness, and the glorification of God.


I would like in that same spirit to continue to thank our volunteers and staff who help us a great deal have programs that lead us to bear fruit.  


I ask also that you keep praying for our children who prepare for First Communion next week. May they continue to build relationship with Christ and become one with him for all eternity. 


Next weekend, also we have at the 4:00pm Mass a celebration for marriage anniversaries. We pray in particular for the marriage couples who have been in the sacrament of Holy Matrimony 60yrs and over. 


I would like to recognize also those who have lost their significant others who would be celebrating these anniversaries too. May those widows and widowers continue to be in our prayers too. 


Lastly, Our Mothers Novena Envelopes are available in the back of the church at the welcome tables for those who would like to include their mothers in Mass intentions on Mother's day and throughout the month of May.


May God Bless you all always. 

Fr. Francis


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