Liturgical Ministries

Eucharistic Ministers
During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the Priests and deacons in distributing Holy Communion. It is a blessing to serve each member of the parish family through the Eucharist. These ministers may also bring the sacrament to those who are sick and homebound. In this way, those who are unable to participate in Sunday Mass. Contact Fr. Francis to find out when you can be trained to assist us as an Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass so as to bring alive the scriptures in the hearts of the faithful gathered.
The Lector ministry at St. Patrick's accepts new lectors regularly.
Training is required and provided periodically.
Please Call the office or contact Fr. Francis for More information

Altar Servers
Serving at the Altar of Our Lord is an honor and a great opportunity for the youth to encounter the Mass. The Altar Server ministry is open to those who have completed the third grade, have received their First Holy communion, and are members of a family that is registered in our Parish.

Pastoral Visitors
This extension of our liturgy permits commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, through our ministry called Pastoral Ministers to bring the Blessed Sacrament to those who are home bound, elderly, sick, and in assisted living or senior housing facilities. They also conduct Communion services at assisted living facilities in the parish community.
Training is provided for this vital ministry, and volunteers are always needed.

Ushers assist the parish by providing hospitality, discretely maintaining order and dignity at all liturgies, and handling emergencies.
To join this ministry please call the office.

Members of this hospitality ministry greet those arriving for Sunday Mass & other Parish events.
As a Greeter you are the face of the parish. You will help to offer a welcoming atmosphere to parishioners and guest.

Liturgical Music
Music plays an integral part in the liturgical worship at St. Patrick Church. It is a vital and core element that has the power to raise the mind and heart to God. There are various types of musical talent that truly enhance the Mass and other sacred liturgies - from the traditional to the contemporary, our professionally trained personnel will touch your heart.
The music at St. Patrick’s Church features a traditional led worship at the 4pm Mass and 12noon Mass on Weekends and contemporary praise and worship at the 10:30am. 8am and 530pm Masses has a mix of both traditional and contemporary. If you have a desire to “sing a new song” to the Lord and inspire others to do so, we invite you to consider these opportunities to service through the music ministry.
Be a part of the versatile sounds at St. Patrick's Church!
Those with the ability and desire to express their faith through the gift of music will find the various programs in the music ministry to be a rewarding experience for themselves and to those praying with them through song and sound. Regardless of your level of proficiency, we hope you will consider offering your talents in this way to our parish community.
Please call the office.

Church Cleaners
A group of parishioners come together every week to clean the church.
This is a great way to serve and offer a wonderful environment for worshipers.
They decorate the church for special seasons and celebrations.
if you would like to join this ministry please call the office.

The Sacristan’s supervises the set-up for Daily and Weekend Masses. They coordinate the Liturgical Ministers who are serving at that specific Mass. The Sacristan is responsible for the set-up and physical arrangement of the Liturgy. Training is required and will be provided.