Finance Committee Members
1. JoAnn Lingner - Chairperson (Contact)
2. Leo Trail (Secretary)
3. Bert Deluigi
4. Terry D'Anna
5. Malcolm George
6. Joseph Llewellyn
7. Mark Semanie
8. Gregory Schultz
Parish Corporators
1. Paul Ishak
2. James Costigan
At St. Patrick's, the Parish Finance Committee consists of parishioners appointed by the pastor/administrator who are qualified in financial matters. The Finance Committee meets regularly in the parish office.
The council meets to discuss the financial state of the parish.
"The 1983 Code of Canon Law has introduced a new and separate consultative body to parish life. "Each parish is to have a FINANCE COUNCIL which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the diocesan bishop" (3c).
"The purpose of the parish FINANCE COUNCIL is to provide the pastor with a group of Christian faithful who will aid him in the administration of parish goods according to these norms. While distinct from the PASTORAL COUNCIL of the parish, this FINANCE COUNCIL is to serve the goals and objectives set forth by the PASTORAL COUNCIL, both being guided by the mission statement of the parish."
Dear Parishioners,
On behalf of our Parish Leadership Team, I am happy to present to you the Annual Report for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The Parish Leadership Team, led by the Pastor, consists of two lay Parish Corporators, Finance Committee, and Pastoral Council. In studying the pie charts for the past fiscal year, you will see that in spite of the economic hard times we were able to end the fiscal year in the black. I continue to thank all of you for your generosity and graciousness. We had to make many conservative costs cutting in both one-time expenses and contracts. We also continued to engage parishioners who volunteered hundreds of hours, both in operations and building and campus grounds care.
I am happy to report that our offertory for this fiscal year, is on a good trend and we hope more families will be able to support our initiatives. Our online giving Offertory / EFT donations were up from the last year as more people are now utilizing Give Central our online giving platform.
If you are not already using Give Central, we encourage you to sign up with the St. Patrick Give Central by using this links below or on our parish website:
I also, would like to note that more parishioners have taken up giving through their IRA as well. I continue to encourage all to work on identifying the best way possible for you to support the parish with your time, talent and treasure.
As you can see in our budget of this year, we hope to considerably increase our income base to meet the rising cost and ever-growing needs for repairs and maintenance on our aging buildings.
This year too we are embarking on a Capital Campaign – Grace Share, Grace Multiplied. This is to help us address many major capital improvements of our buildings in order to achieve our mission of being a place of encounter. Our weekly bulletin, Flocknotes, and website all reflect a parish that is fully alive, not only in offering so many ministries to our parishioners, but also in helping those in need, both locally and internationally. I look forward to an even more vibrant fiscal year 2024-2025.
It is important to note that we are a growing parish with about 800 Registered families. This past year, we recorded 46 new families. As a parish we had 33 active ministries, we celebrated 16 infant baptism, 62 confirmations for both youth and adults,19 weddings, and 49 children in elementary and middle school ministry. Unfortunately, we also had 22 funerals. I continue to ask you to pray for the souls of those faithful departed and for the families. At Christmastime, we will present each of you with our ministry impact assessment to help show the many moments of grace in the life of parish this past year.
If you have any questions regarding this report, please reach out to me, or Mr. Bert De Luigi (Finance Committee Chair), or Kathy Meneghini (Bookkeeper), or Joanna Friedenberg (Business Manager).
I would like to conclude by thanking so much the Finance Committee members and our business office for working on producing this report, and for their great vision and stewardship of our parish.
Thanks again for your generosity.
Fr. Francis