During Holy Week your family can participate in activities at church and at home to win raffle entries and grow together as a family and community in fun and faith!
Email photos of your chosen activities to Savannah.Ackerman@archbalt.org
In Person Events
Family Ministry has the following events during Holy Week

Palm Sunday, April 2nd
Prepare for Palm Sunday Mass with pancakes, an egg hunt, and family activities to get us ready for the Easter season!
Family Ministry will meet from 9am to 10:15am on Sunday, April 2nd in preparation for the Palm Sunday Mass. Then all families are invited to attend the 10:30am Mass to celebrate Christ together as a community.
RSVP for the pancake breakfast and Easter egg hunt HERE!
If your family would like to volunteer for the family Mass as a greeter or usher please email Savannah.Ackerman@archbalt.org

Holy Thursday, April 6th
Family Ministry has been asked to light the way for people to follow Jesus!
After the 7pm Lord's Supper Mass family ministry has been asked to hold candles and guide people to the Altar of Repose. If your family can attend please email Savannah.Ackerman@Archbalt.org

Family Stations of the Cross, April 7th
Join us at 2pm on Good Friday as we reflect on Christ's Passion.
Sign-up to lead a station here.
Even if you are not leading a station feel free to bring drawings, lego creations, or costumes of the stations to help this form of prayer come alive for our children!
After the stations families are encouraged to join the parish for the Passion service at 3pm.

Page will be updated throughout Holy Week
Email photos of your chosen activities to Savannah.Ackerman@archbalt.org and be entered to win prizes!